Friday, August 31, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
What A Week!
This was the last week of our 7 week revival. It was a wonderful week. This is a picture of the "Why Not" trio...(long story). They sang a song every night and did a great job.
One of the highlights of the week was when one of our teenagers got saved. I took these pictures the night she got baptized.
Another highlight was when this teenager who had gotten away from church made a decision to come back. Here he is singing with his mom.
This week's speaker was Mark McGaughey (I forgot to get a picture of him...bummer). He was great. As someone else put it "he brings the meatsaw."
It's hard to believe the 7 week revival is over. What are we going to do Monday night? :)
The official meetings may be over but as Matt said "I hope it continues in our hearts."
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Aiming Our Arrows
Friday, August 10, 2007
Revival Week #6
This week we had Brother Ed Klein from the Rock of Ages Prison Ministry with us. He led the evangelistic meetings last spring in the St. Joseph prison, that some of our men were a part of, where 132 men were saved.
His focus all this week was on prayer. What a blessing.
Matt was feeling well enough today to be able to fix Brother Klein's air conditioning in his truck. His was very thankful since he has some more traveling to do.
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Aiming Our Arrows
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Matt came home today and is doing very well. We won't know if it helped his hearing until he goes back to the doctor on Sept. 5th. At that time they will clean out the ointment and other gunk out of his ear. Pray that this operation will improve his speech recognition.
On the way to pick him up I took this picture of a sunflower field. It was huge.
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Aiming Our Arrows
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Wednesday's Travels
Today we took Matt to Kansas City to have an operation done on his ear. We are praying that it will restore some of his recent hearing loss. I decided to take the kids along and figured while they were doing the surgery we could do some other things in Kansas City. As it turned out, they wanted us to stay in the waiting room. I wasn't prepared for that but thankfully I did bring lunch.
The kids did very well. They found some books to keep them occupied. We were there 4 and a half hours. They received several comments on their good behavior.
I thought maybe we could go for a walk outside but it was VERY hot and there really wasn't any place to walk.
Once the surgery was finished we needed to wait to see Daddy until he got a room. So we decided to visit the Discovery Center that was only a short distance away. They focus on conservation of natural habitat.
This is a picture of the children beside a 1/2 scale model of a boat Lewis and Clark used to travel up the Missouri River.
Cassidy with a raccoon. No, it's not alive. That would have really made her day.This is an example of the canoes they used made out of a log.
After we got some dinner we went to see Daddy. He was doing very well. We will be able to take him home tomorrow. We'll know more then if his hearing has improved.
He will be off work for the rest of the week. Woo hoo!! We love having him home with us.
Naomi was very glad to see him.
On the way home God gave us an awesome firework show! Thunderstorms in the midwest are so incredible. The lightening bolts go sideways and spread out in all directions. This picture doesn't do it justice but I still thought it was cool.
We were thankful to have made it home safely.
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Aiming Our Arrows
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Men's Group
Once a week during our revival services the men of the church go up front to sing a song. It's a blessing to see these men singing for the Lord and to know they have a heart for God.
You can click on the picture to get a closer look.
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Aiming Our Arrows
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Friday's Happenings
It's Frontier Days here in Albany. You can go here to find out more about it. We had lunch in the town square. They had tables set up, but they were in the sun. We found this nice shady spot to sit.
Levi and I let Naomi share our water bottle. After we saw the backwash in it we decided to let her keep it. :)
Revival Week 5
Friday ended our 5th week of revival services. The Johnson family from Chillicothe, MO were our guests this week. Brother Johnson's preaching was a blessing. He really focused in on what revival is all about. We enjoyed his family as well.
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Aiming Our Arrows
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Play Day
Yesterday the children had their friends over while their mom ran some errands. They had a great time. The boys went to the garage in the afternoon and caught a leopard frog. I didn't have my camera with me! Argh! They still have it, so if it's alive, I'll try to get a picture of it today.
Even Naomi had a friend over.
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Aiming Our Arrows
Homeschool Open House
There is a blog I read that is having a Homeschool Open House. I thought it was a neat idea and decided to join in.
We have four children; three of which are currently homeschooled. We have a daughter that will be starting 6th grade and twin sons that will be starting 4th grade. I guess you could call me an eclectic teacher. I like to use a wide range of curriculum. I like to use a lot of living books for history and science. After trying many math programs I like Math-U-See the best. This year I'm going to give Easy Grammar a try again. And I'm going to come up with my own spelling program using Natural Speller. For history and science I'll be using My Father's World. When I began to teach my children history I started with creation. This year we will begin to study the explorers and American history. I can't wait! I like My Father's World's use of living books and I like how they have it laid out for you. It also leaves room to add what you want. I like how they integrate Biblical events with world events. Of course Cassidy will continue to play the piano, Levi the trumpet and hopefully Ezra will begin to learn guitar.
I found this site that has a lot of free homeschool curricula, literature and text books. Including these great grammar worksheets.
I like to try to use a schedule but it doesn't always work that way. Managers of Their Home is a great resource for getting a schedule together.
This year will be a challenge having a toddler running around. It will be interesting to see how that goes.
Well, I guess that's about all I have to share.
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Aiming Our Arrows