Thursday, December 13, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Ice Storm
No damage was done when this branch hit our roof.
Or when it fell onto the porch.
I was thanking the Lord that the electricity only went out for a few minutes. When I was a kid I thought it was cool to have the electric go out, but now that I know how much money is sitting in our refrigerator and freezers I don't think it's so cool anymore. I'm praying that tonight it will stay on as we still have some more ice coming.
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Aiming Our Arrows
Snow Adventures
Ezra took Naomi for a slow ride. She loved it.
Levi enjoyed running the 4-wheeler through the snow.
Missy in the snow.
Cassidy after she finally caught Missy in the snow.

We had Naomi all bundled up. She almost couldn't move.

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Aiming Our Arrows
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Napping With Her Babydolls
The other day Naomi laid her babydolls down for a nap and then decided to lay down with them. She loves her babydolls.
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Aiming Our Arrows
Cassidy's Magazine
Just wanted to let you know that Cassidy has her December issue of Horse Sense ready for purchase on her blog. She works very hard on this magazine each month and does a great job.
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Aiming Our Arrows
Friday, November 23, 2007
Naomi really got into her mashed potatoes.
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 118:1
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Aiming Our Arrows
First Snow
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Aiming Our Arrows
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Ezra's First Buck
Ezra got his first buck on Monday. He was so excited!!! He was hunting with his dad and was just about to fall asleep when his dad said "there's a buck!" His grandfather also got a buck that evening (I'll post pictures of his buck soon).
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Aiming Our Arrows
Thursday, November 8, 2007
A Visit and A Surprise
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Aiming Our Arrows
Missy's New Home
Missy is now officially home. We were able to finish enough of the pasture to keep her back at the garage. Cassidy has been having a wonderful time with Missy.
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Aiming Our Arrows
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Work Day
This is a picture of the framework for the barn. You can see Matt's garage in the background.
Ezra's taking his turn holding Naomi. When we ask Naomi to smile now she closes her eyes.
Cassidy and Levi ran a lot of errands back and forth to the garage.
Here's another closed eyes picture.
Ezra's helping dad run the post hole digger for the posts. We were so thankful we didn't have to dig these by hand.
Bringing water for the concrete.
Cassidy's turn to hold Naomi.
I even ran the tractor. Yikes!
The end of the day found us all quite tired. We're thankful for the extra hour tonight.
"When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet."
Proverbs 3:24
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Aiming Our Arrows
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Our Evening At Church
Every year on October 31 our church has a service. I can't think of a better place to be on this night than church.
We enjoyed a meal together and then the kids played some games like this one. They had to carry candy corn on a spoon over to another cup and fill it up. It was harder than it sounds.
Our Pastor didn't want to give up the jar of candy to the person who guessed closest to the right amount, but he finally gave in.
We then finished the evening with a message from Samuel. Samuel used to be a part of the Amish community. One year ago on Oct. 31 Samuel accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour. It's been exciting to see him grow in the Lord.
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Aiming Our Arrows